Luke Evans is writing an autobiography

The Hobbit and Beauty and the Beast actor Luke Evans has announced he’s releasing an autobiography later this year.

The book, titled Boy From the Valleys: My Unexpected Journey, will be published on 7th November.

It promises to tell his story from growing up in a small village in the Rhymney Valley, south Wales, where his early life was shaped by his Jehovah’s Witness upbringing, to coming to terms with his own sexuality, and his journey into the West End and Hollywood.

“I think there is a lot of things in there that people won’t know about and some really funny stories, some really sad stories and I hope it will be an inspiration to a lot of young people who may be sitting there thinking how am I going to get out of this, where am I going to go, what do I want to do and realise that you can do anything and you just have to keep your dreams alive and believe in yourself. That is the message of the book, I hope you enjoy reading it,” said Evans.

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