Tag Archives: Nick Offerman

Benedict Cumberbatch joins Good Omens, release date confirmed

Benedict Cumberbatch is providing the voice of Satan in the new series Good Omens, based on the novel by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman.

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Michael Keaton is The Founder

One of the films I’m really looking forward to this year is The Founder, starring Michael Keaton.

At long last the first trailer has been released and it looks like Keaton’s character is going to be thoroughly unlikeable (in a good way).

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The Founder – new poster and picture

Michael Keaton’s been on something of a winning streak lately – he’s two for two in terms of starring in the Best Picture Oscar winner (Birdman, Spotlight).

There’s every possibility he could three-peat in 2017 with his new film, The Founder.

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