Tag Archives: Ethan Coen

What to watch at LFF2018

This week the programme for the BFI London Film Festival was announced.

Now I’ve had some time to digest it, here are some of the films I am excited to see. And some of the film makers and stars you’ll see at this year’s event.

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Films to watch out for in 2016

The start of a new year always prompts me to take a look at some of the cinematic offerings our local multiplexes will have on offer over the next 12 months.

This is a rundown of the film’s I’m looking forward to in the coming year. NB, I’ve only chosen films which have confirmed UK release dates.

From Captain America v Iron Man to the first Star Wars spin-off via Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling in a musical, hopefully there’s a film here to pique your interest.

Continue reading Films to watch out for in 2016