Tag Archives: Genevieve O’Reilly

Disney Plus goes all in

I don’t really know where to start with all the big Disney announcements, but I’m going to try and round them all up for you.

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Paddy Considine confirms theatre role

Paddy Considine has confirmed he will make his Royal Court Theatre in Jez Butterworth’s latest play, The Ferryman.

The production is being directed by Sam Mendes and has already sold out at the Royal Court where it’s on from April 24 to May 29.

It’s thought producers are now looking for a venue for a West End transfer.

The story is set in rural Derry in 1981, “the Carney farmhouse is a hive of activity with preparations for the annual harvest. A day of hard work on the land and a traditional night of feasting and celebrations lie ahead. But this year they will be interrupted by a visitor…”

Considine will be joined in The Ferryman by Laura Donnelly who previously starred in The River at the Royal Court and Irish actress Genevieve O’Reilly who is best known for her work in the Star Wars franchise as Mon Mothma.