Tag Archives: Miles teller

At LFF 2016 – day five

A whole gamut of celebs are at the BFI London Film Festival today from Oscar-winner Lupita Nyong’o to Miles Teller to Russell Tovey.

Continue reading At LFF 2016 – day five

Weekly catch-up – March 27

This week’s catch-up column includes new films starring Ricky Gervais, Idris Elba, Lego Batman and Richard Madden.

Continue reading Weekly catch-up – March 27

From Divergent to Insurgent: how the cast are flying

Just over a year ago the film adaptation of Veronica Roth’s novel Divergent hit cinemas. It went on to gross over $288 million at the global box office and the sequel, Insurgent, will be released in just a few weeks. At the time of the first film’s release most of the cast weren’t on – lot of film fans radars, apart from Shailene Woodley. What a difference a year makes…

Continue reading From Divergent to Insurgent: how the cast are flying

A whole host of stars set for the Oscars stage


As expected, Matthew McConaughey, Cate Blanchett, Lupita N’yongo and Jared Leto will be among the presenters at this year’s Oscar ceremony.

Traditionally the winners of the acting prizes always return the year after.

Oprah Winfrey, Benedict Cumberbatch, Reese Witherspoon, Marion Cotillard, Meryl Streep, Josh Hutcherson, Octavia Spencer, Zoe Saldana and Scarlett Johansson have also been confirmed as presenters.

Producers have also revealed Jennifer Aniston, Sienna Miller, David Oyelowo, Chris Pratt, Chris Rock, and John Travolta wil be presenting awards on the night. Let’s hope John Travolta can read the autocue this time.

Another raft of confirmed presenters include Jessica Chastain, Kevin Hart, Viola Davis, Chris Pine, Ben Affleck, Naomi Watts, Shirley MacLaine and Miles Teller.

You’ll also see Gwyneth Paltrow, Channing Tatum, Nicole Kidman, Jason Bateman, Idris Elba, Ansel Elgort and Liam Neeson.

This year’s Oscars will also feature lots of music performances. We don’t know much about them yet but do know Jack Black, Anna Kendrick and Jennifer Hudson will take to the stage for a ‘very special sequence’.

Plus, Lady Gaga has also been added to the list of performers.

“We’re creating several musical sequences for the Oscars and we couldn’t be happier that our friend, Jennifer Hudson, will be performing in one of them,” producers Craig Zadan and Neil Meron said in a statement.

2015 preview: Films

There are so many films that I’m already looking forward to in 2015 but I have managed to narrow the list down to just ten.

Snoopy and Charlie Brown: The Peanuts Movie: you might think ‘oh, good grief!’ But I always enjoy a bit of Charlie Brown and the gang. The trailer looks a lot of fun and the use of computer animation isn’t distracting at all.

The Minions Movie: Minions make me giggle. That’s all.

Jurassic World: I still remember sitting in the cinema watching the opening five minutes of Jurassic Park and thinking ‘oh this is going to be good!’. Unfortunately the two sequels never quite lived up to the first. Can this new film, directed by Colin Treverrow, take us back to the magic and wonder of the first?

Birdman: a but of a cheat this one as I’ve already seen it – but it’s not out in the UK until 2015! Michael Keaton is on top form as the former superhero actor trying to kickstart his career by starring in, and directing, a Broadway play. The supporting cast are also excellent – particularly Emma Stone as is daughter. But my favourite thing about Birdman is the craft that’s gone into making the film – the idea of just a single shot through the whole film, I think it’s incredibly clever!

Whiplash: I’m calling it now, you won’t see a better onscreen villain in 2015 than JK Simmons’ horrific music teacher. He’s brutal! Miles Teller holds his own but it’s Simmons who has the showier role and he absolutely runs with it. An Oscar is surely in the bag. Whilst there are plot points in the film that I could see coming the ending was fantastic. It’s a great movie.

Selma: British actor David Oyelowo stars as Martin Luther King in the drama which focuses on his campaign for civil rights and the march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, in 1965. Oprah Winfrey is among the supporting cast.

Spectre: Bond is back! But no Judi Dench this time. Can director Sam Mendes emulate the phenomenal success of Skyfall? I’ve never been a huge fan of 007 but I am looking forward to the new film. Plus, who’s going to perform the theme song?

Tomorrowland: George Clooney leads the cast of this scifi mystery about a former boy-genius and a gifted teenager who set out on a dangerous mission to unearth the secrets of an enigmatic location caught between time and space. The cast also includes Hugh Laurie and young actress Britt Robinson. It’s directed by Brad Bird who made the last Mission: Impossible movie as well as Pixar’s The Incredibles so I think it should be in safe hands.

Avengers: Age of Ultron: Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Captain America (and the others) back on screen together. I just can’t wait! Director Joss Whedon’s brought the whole gang back (we might even get to see Tom Hiddlestone’s Loki). Avengers Assemble set the bar so high, can they reach those heights again? Or even top them? We’ll find out in April.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens: did you really think I wouldn’t include this in my list of must-see films? Of course it tops the list! The first film I ever saw at the cinema was Star Wars, it is the franchise that I have loved for over 30 years. And it’s back. And I can not wait until December!!

So that’s my top 10 must-see movies for 2015. Close but no cigar mentions for Love is Strange, Blackhat, Cinderella, Frankenstein, The Lady in the Van and Absolutely Anything.

What are you looking forward to? Tell me in the comments section below!

Trailer time


Two big new trailers this week.

First, it’s the official trailer for Insurgent, the sequel to Divergent, starring Shailene Woodley and Kate Winslet.

It’s due in UK cinemas on March 20.

San Andreas stars Dwayne Johnson (aka The Rock), Paul Giamatti and Archie Panjabi from The Good Wife.

It’s a disaster flick about a search and rescue helicopter pilot who has to make his way from LA to San Francisco to rescue his daughter after a huge earthquake.

The film’s due to be released in May.